Friday, May 14, 2010

The Walk, by Richard Paul Evans

I read this in 3.5 hours yesterday.  Well, last night, rather.  It was excellent.  (RPE usually is.)

This book is the story about a man, Alan Christoffersen, who has the career of his dreams, the perfect house, expensive cars, and best of all, the love of his life.  Things couldn't be better.  Then the worst happens and he manages to lose it all within a short amount of time.  On the verge of suicide, he hears a voice that tells him that life is not his to take, and he remembers a promise he made to his wife right before she dies to live.  So, he sells everything he can and starts a journey.  He walks, bringing only what he can carry on his back.  Along his path so far, he meets several people who change the way he sees life, people who were put in his path for a reason.  Angry with God, he tries to find it in himself to make sense of what happened.  His journey started in Seattle, Washington and will take him to Key West, Florida.  This is the first of five in a series, so naturally, it just ends, leaving a person hanging... till next April!! I learned a lot from this book, it was truly inspiring and thought provoking.  I love how one of the messages it teaches is that life is full of trials, it's what we do with those trials that defines who we are.  Richard Paul Evans must be a well of wisdom, that's all I can say.  :)

I read this in one evening, if that tells you how good it was, and I'm sure to read it again before the next one comes out.  I would seriously recommend it.  If you've never read RPE, it's worth your time (and money, if you choose to buy it - I would!) (Oh, wait, I already did!). And if you have read RPE before, this book is true to form and will keep you an RPE fan for life, I'm sure.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Life for the Poor, by Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I have never read a book that was so short but took me so long that I enjoyed so much.  I think it took me so long because as I read it, I tried to absorb what I was reading in attempt to make it part of myself.  In reality, it's only 107 pages long, so it could possibly be a quick read for somebody.

I never knew much about Mother Teresa, other than probably what the rest of the world knows about her.  After reading this book, I have half a mind to model my life after hers.  She truly was a wonderful, most unselfish, spiritual person.  The things she did for so many people and her beliefs are so incredible! As I read this, my mind began to grasp what it truly means to be Christ-like.  This woman was such an example of Christian behavior.  She truly believed that the things she was doing to and for others, she was doing to and for Jesus Christ.  She often quoted the scripture that says "If ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."  She had such a clear perception on what true poverty is, what true hunger is.  She encourages us all to help the poor around us, first in our homes, then in our neighborhoods, and so on.  She says the worst disease on earth is that of loneliness, feeling unwanted, feeling unloved and teaches how we as God's children can cure this disease by reaching out to those around us.  Her mission, her life, was devoted to helping people come to the realization that God loves them, that they are His children.  She never asked for money.  She had such great faith that if the Lord wanted it done, He would provide, and He always did.  So many people have welcomed her and her "co-workers" into their lives and their countries and provided so much for her work.  She has been joined so willingly by so many "sisters" who have the desire to serve and live their lives as she does, as the poor does.  She literally gave up everything she had for this sacred calling.  Other religions and non-Christians have helped her work progress.  It was amazing to read her story, her thoughts, her firm beliefs, and to be influenced by such greatness.

I've never had a hero before, but I do believe I have found one in Mother Teresa. 

***Now I can FINALLY start my new RPE book!***