Before those of you who know me and also know this book gasp in horror at my possible reading of it, know this - I didn't.
I was nearly halfway through, though, before I decided to stop. That's when it started to become disturbing. Before that, it was just intriguing, nothing dark.
I have heard of this story, only by title, and knew it was something of a - well, I can't say horror novel because I didn't relate it to that in my mind. (I do, now.) I thought of it more as a somewhat eerie story about a woman who lives next to neighbors who want her baby.
Nope. Not even close. Well, ok, a little close. I only know this because I read the summary of the story on Wikipedia.
But, dude. If I had known the extremity and depth of the darkness that is this book, I never in a million years would've even given it a second glance. This woman's neighbors do want her baby, but only because they're a cult/coven and want it for their devil worship. Apparently, the child is an actual spawn of satan. (I don't capitalize that name on purpose.) Her husband was in on the drugging and, well, everything that happened after, so that this baby could be made. He did it because he was promised success in his career as an actor if he did.
Who comes up with this crap? What dark and twisted mind actually conjured up a story like this? Good gravy!
I wish I had had the sense to look into it, further, before I started reading it. This is why I'm posting this - to warn others who wish to avoid such ugliness. My brain wishes to cleanse itself of the small bit of disturbing content it did read.
Don't read this. It's horrible.