Monday, February 4, 2019

I Kill the Mockingbird, by Paul Acampora

Image result for i kill the mockingbird

This was my most recent read.  I wanted something simple but good.  This was exactly that.  I believe it's a YA or even Juvenile fiction piece.  It's written from the perspective of an 8th grade girl.  Her mother has just won a scary battle with cancer, her father is the principle of her school - a Catholic school.  Her two friends are her constant companions throughout the story - her co-conspirators if you will, one of which she is realizing she has deeper feelings for than friendship.  She thinks he might feel the same but can't be sure... they innocently flirt with the idea throughout the story.

It's the end of the school year and a summer reading list has been issued, much to the chagrin of the main character, Lucy, and her classmates.  Their teacher being new since the death of their previous and favorite teacher (Fat Bob) doesn't quite get the students like their old one did. 

Fat Bob's favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird", as is Lucy's.  She wants people to create a sort of last tribute to Fat Bob and with the help of her two friends, comes up with a plan that gets the whole nation talking about it over the summer, and even many reading it.  I won't give away too much because that's the whole of the story, but it was the author's goal to get more people to read the book and I have to say, it worked.  It wasn't too long ago that I read it (though I can't find a post of it), but I find myself wanting to read it, again. 

It was a fun, light-hearted quick read - just what I wanted.  It's a good read for the young and old, alike. 

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