Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Heretic Queen, by Michelle Moran

I cannot get enough of this author! I'm so bummed that I've read all of her books already. 

This book happens after the last book I read of hers, being told my Nefertari, the daughter of Mutny, who's point of view was the focus of the last book.  A lot more of this book was fiction, but still based on a lot of historical facts and characters.  The Pharaoh of this story is Ramsses II, husband to Nefertari.  It tells of his reign, Nefertari's love for him and his love for her, the birth of their first two sons, his other wife's jealousy, his famous war in Kadesh and so much more! There's even a touch of mystery linking everything at the end, creating an unforgettable ending.  I'm thinking this one was slightly better than the last two, but not by much.  The web of plots this author weaves is so well-done and creates quite the page-turner.  It's one of those books that causes you to have a love/hate relationship with the ending in that you love how it ends, but hate that it's over.  She paints such a romantic picture of Egypt and its rulers, and writes so well what very well may have happened.  Her knowledge of the time is impeccable, which is made obvious throughout the book. 

I sincerely hope this author comes out with more books as she has become one of my favorites.  I highly recommend all three that I've come across.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nefertiti, by Michelle Moran

More applause for Michelle Moran!

This book is so well-written and so informative all wrapped up in intrigue and just a whole bunch of goodness.  I've not known much about anything Egyptian but have become highly fascinated by it because of these books! The way she portrays their customs and mannerisms is amazing!
When I was a kid, I had the opportunity to visit our local history museum while King Tut was on display... I wish I had known then what I know now, I would've felt a higher reverence for him and his life.  Nefertiti was the Queen to King Tut's father, a heretic king who attempts to overthrow Egypt's god and introduce another for worship.  Nefertiti is brought into the marriage in hopes to quell his desires.  Instead, she builds him up and eventually makes herself Pharoah along with him.  The story is told by Nefertiti's sister, who eventually is entrusted in the raising of King Tut because of his mother dying shortly after giving birth.  It's a story of love, herecy, tragedy, power... and so much more! I really enjoy reading her novels and learning more than a bit about the past.  I highly, highly recommend reading them! In fact, my next book is one she wrote, as well.  Love them!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte

Finally! For some reason, this book takes me forEVER to read! It's a good book but the language is a little intense.  I love it, though.  I've read it before, but it's been a while.  One thing I note in books from this era that I've read is how the women are so ... I don't even know what word I'd use.  They see something they want, but because of unwritten rules of whatever, society or what-have-you, they hold back.  They keep to themselves and prefer suffering in misery.  I hate that.  I do.  I'm a if-you-want-something-do-what-you-can-to-get-it kind of girl.  None of this suffering in silence garbage.  (lol)  It's good this book ends well, I suppose.  ;) It truly is a book for the romantic at heart, though, so if you're one of those type and haven't read it yet, do.