I almost feel like a bit of a traitor... I used to make sure I bought every RPE book that came out. He's my favorite {living} author! I haven't read, let alone purchased, one of his books in *gasp* years! (Shame on me! haha)
I saw this one at a bookstore and decided to check it out from the library since I'm on this not-spending-money-on-unnecessary-items kick and will not be purchasing any books anytime, soon. Even if they're purchase-worthy... It truly pains me to do this because, like all of his books, this one fits into that category.
I'm always in awe at how "flowy" his books are. He certainly has a way with words. And he does his research... I had to some of my own research to verify this was a work of fiction because he wrote it so well.
Now, I say work of fiction, but at the end, there's an author's note that this is based on a true life - the real story of a real person. He's changed the name and such. The prologue is what had me doing some Googling because of how he tells it.
This is the first book in a new series. It tells of a man who went from an abusive childhood, dumpster-diving and living in poverty, to finding the love of his life and an amazing opportunity for financial success, which is something he craves. It ends with a sad and significant change for his future. It ends with a new beginning... and I cannot wait until next Spring when the next addition in the series will be complete!
I'm always a little wary of putting too much... I don't like spoilers. I guess I used to do that, but I've moved on to more of, "This is what I read... you'll like it... or you won't... Check it out!".
I do always highly recommend any RPE book. They're clean and so very well-written. He knows his stuff. If you read this one, you won't be disappointed. In fact, you'll likely be hooked and in the same boat as I am... waiting somewhat patiently for Spring. ;)