Friday, December 1, 2017

The Mistletoe Secret, Richard Paul Evans

Image result for mistletoe secret

It's been a busy month! I started three books... and finished one! #success

I've read one other of the Mistletoe series,  The Mistletoe Promise, likely during the three years I didn't post about what I read.  It was nice.

This one was just that - nice.  Nothing spectacular.  I sometimes feel as though some of his books are simply to fill a contract... that or I'm losing my zen for romance.  And in case RPE happens upon this blog entry (I was trolled by an author I somewhat harshly critiqued, once - it happens.), I love you, you're awesome, keep writing, I love your work, you're a rock star.

It was a simple romance, one that needed a little knowledge about at least the geography and history of the location it's mainly staged in.  Richard does do his homework.  I have no doubt he flew to the place he wrote about and did a little research.

It was a sweet story.  Maybe a little obvious.  The ending was pretty easy to guess, the further into the story I got. 

But it was good.  I have the third one on hold at the library (and two other books to finish).

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